Hey Dynamic folks! I hope you are all very well and keeping safe? Please let me know how your doing on the comments 🙂.Talking about packing your hospital bag.
It’s been a quite few weeks on here hasn’t it? Yea! i know. It has indeed.
Today, I’ll be talking about what you need for your hospital bags. This will be handy and very important for expecting mums and their babies. These are my basics, moreover, you might find that you need more depending on preference or personal requirements.
Catch-up and follow my pregnancy journey, and read my last blog post, you will know what’s been going on in my pretty little head, however, I’ve been doing great, grateful to God for that.
If you want to catchup and keep upto date, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram.
For Mum
Oversized T shirt – This is normally for the birthing suit/area. I do recommend an old T-shirt as it will definitely get messy and you might not need it afterwards, and also should be able to fit you and baby in case you opt for a skin to skin once baby is born which i highly would recommend too.
Dressing gown– This will be necessary if you have to stay in hospital for a few days before or after baby is born. If your a first time mum, you might not understand this but take one anyway. Here
Slippers – I would suggest a comfy one for walking around in your room and one for the shower rooms when you need a shower, so they don’t get wet. Ideas here, here, here
Medications– Any medications you’ve been taking or will be needing!
Some Money/ Credit card– These are one of the things you need whenever your leaving the house, you will need them when going to hospital too. You might need something urgently or want to purchase something. This will come in handy.
Toiletries This will normally include your everyday items which you use for a bath. items like tooth brush, tooth pastes, body lotion, makeup and all of that. Don’t forget you shower caps and bonnets to keep your hair dry as the hospitals tend to have washrooms. Quick link
Water/Lip gloss– You need to keep hydrated all through your time at the hospital. This come in labour and to prevent really dry, chapped lips which isn’t great.

Maternity knickers– These are your Essentials and they are very useful. They used to come in pads but now come as padded knickers and i cant wait to try them. When i had my other babies, i used the disposable kinckers and pads, apparently, these are better. Suggestions here, here, here
Energy Boosters/Healthy Snacks – These come in handy for when tired through prolonged labour or feeling tired. it does help. Lucozade is great.

Comfortable pyjamas – You don’t want to get into skinny jeans right away. These will help keep you relaxed and comfy.
Comfortable Clothes– You really need this in your hospital bag. This will be for when it’s time to go home with your baby.
Phone/ Chargers– You will need these to keep in contact with loved ones and family, if you have little ones at home to keep in touch with.
Magazine/Books/Journals – These to keep you busy or distracted, whichever the case. Do some journaling while in hospital if you can.

Tablet– Just something to watch while your in hospital.
For Baby
Body suit/ vests– These are baby basics. Idealy baby’s first clothes.q
Socks– To keep baby’s feet warm and protected when cold.
Scratch Mittens– Baby’s tend to reach for their faces and tend to have sharp delicate nails which can scratch them. Mittens keep their fingers safe and prevents the scratches. keeps them warm in the cold too.
Blankets/Muslin Squares- Come in handy for keeping baby warm and for after a feed.

Nappies/ Wipes– Everday essentials for once baby is born.
Baby Moisturisers/Oils -A lot of people might not agree with this. However, from my experience as a mum with children who have dry skin, i know that using very good moisturiser help reduce the risk of dry skin from as early as days after baby is born.

Towels – I know this one for a fact as i almost or forget to get any when i was going into hospital. Crazy but so true..
My last baby, i had a moisturiser to hand and used it once we got on the wards and she’s my only daughter who doesn’t have dry skin so to say. with second, i had no moisturiser nor oil (olive oil) which i know a lot of people prefer and we stayed in hospital for three days, her skin was crazy dry for the whole three days and she has the worst case of dry skin out of my three girls. This might not prove anything, but that’s my opinion and thought.
Thank you so much for reading through to this point. I do hope this was helpful?
Do let me know in the comments. Also feel free to share your ideas abd thoughts, so we can all learn together ❤
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and tiktok for some mortivation.
Much Love
Baby oil